domingo, febrero 12, 2006

In full armor walking down the dust road
To meet the one, whom I love the most.
Just waiting for the night to pass
When we travel to save our prides to our last
It is here that we were born
And it is for what we shall give our last breath
Cause this land is our mother
And that is what brings us our pride
I hope that this day had never arrived
The thought of which brings shiver to my mind
How to expalin this to my dearest one
My motivation to all this,Only for once
Seating myself near a fountain
Of which the surrounding is so appealing
With colored flowers and their mates
Meeting in a way like there's no meeting again
Slowing taking time to decide
Thinking of the magical words that had to be said
To make her understand and convince
For the purpose of my going away
A hand from behind, just touched me
Turning back, seeing her smile just enligted me
Innocence is what i thought,
when I saw her faceWarmth I
felt on my cheek when her hand had touched
She lowered my head and kissed me mild
And that is something , what just bought me a smile
We held hands, hugged, kissed and conversed.
And all this moment a thought ran in my mind"
When again shall I meet my Loved One
"Holding her in my arms, And kissing on her forhead,
I told her of my leaving .
For a moment I felt like she was lost,
She had not a word to say,
And not an expression that I knew.
All that I noticed was her stare
. And her eyes filled with dew.
It was when I knew, That she was in Love true.
I tried to convinced but failed
To tell her that i’d return.
And would ask her father for her to be mine.
Cause she was my only true Loved one.
It was almost dawn, And I knew that the time had come,
That we had to depart.Whatever our Love would always Last.
We parted with tears in our eyes
.I told her its destiny and this moment had to arrive.
All along, the portrait of her face grasped my mind.
That innocence on her face, that gave me the thrives.
For all the Love I mean’t that I didn’t show
It is what I really regret the most.
We arrived bold to fight our battle,
But very soon we had little survivours,
The whole world was turning around,
Like a maze with no exits out.
I turned around and felt a pain
And all her thoughts were all in vain.
I smelled the ground, and couldn’t respire
These were the moments that I had never desired.
I closed my eyes and felt alight.
And soon i was in the skies.
,I reached a place that livings haven’t been,
Amidst the clouds, but I wasn’t keen.,
Standing just below the doors of heaven,
Not wanting to enjoy the adorance amidst the clouds
Where angels sing Where has never been a day of rain
For the joy of all where the human soul gets peace
Where sorrow is at its leastI sat on the stairs
and began to weep until someone came
and bought me to my knees.
He told me in sweet words for what it mean
"You are here where thousands desire to reach"
"Cause my child, your deeds have been well performed,"
"This is my kingdom and this is where you now belong"
He held my hand and told me he knew my pain
About my incomplete love that I left in vain.
He knew what I felt and what I thought
Cause he is the divine one amoung us all.
With alot of courage and little frase I explained"
A day, is all I ask if thee can lease"
"To express my love is what I need"
"Cause her arms is just heaven to me"

"To make her know what I really feel"
"A thousand death is what I wants for just this day in return"
I felt a cold sensation around
But was awake by the noice of ambiance around
I opened my eyes and saw her face.,
Which I remember till this very last day.,


At 4:39 p. m., Blogger Lu said...

Ola, pasaba por aqui, y me llamo mucho la atención esa descripción tan minuciosa y detallada sobre tu persona. weno un saludo.


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